To Pill or Not To Pill?

By Taren Silvia Bernardini I believe to share one's story could be one of the most important objectives to carry out in one’s lifetime. If not to learn thyself, know thyself, and share your experiences so that others may take value in it, what else are we here for? Each individual is on their path,... Continue Reading →

Blood and pain: periods. What is normal?

By Europe & Me‘s Editors Although half of the population needs to deal with menstruation cycles during a large part of their lives, we know so little about how others experience this. Maybe we talk about our periods with friends, siblings, our mother or other family, but in general period-talk remains a sort of taboo. We... Continue Reading →

Let’s talk about endometriosis.

By Europe & Me‘s Editors In the last issue, Europe & Me asked Young Europeans about their experiences with their period. The editors team at E&M wanted to dive a little deeper and open up conversations that have long been tabooed. We sat down with Ramona Brunner, who suffers from endometriosis, and asked her to share her experiences with... Continue Reading →

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